Saturday, 12 October 2013

Model Insight (Fahylando Alardaris Jackson)

Fahylando Jackson (born April 5th, 1989) is a California-based American model of Cuban, Filipino, and African-American descent noted for his tasty, creative, and exotic pictures. Fahylando has gained much success and notability through usage of the internet and social networking sites. Fahylando has made appearances outside of the cyber-world appearing in various LGBT magazines such as PULP, GLOSS, and RAGE magazine. Fahylando has also had a few moments on television appearing on San Diego 6 News for runway shows after being seen via Model Mayhem and LOGO for various interviews.

At age 14, Fahylando Jackson was an aspiring model taking pictures of himself in his backyard. Fahylando later on put his aspirations on hold to tend to his life until he was 19, when asked to a photo shoot for nightclub. That same night the photographer realized Fahylando had much potential and asked him for his contact information. Fahylando continued to participate in mediocre photo shoots until his breakthrough in 2010. Joe Hawkins, founder of Blatino Oasis, offered Fahylando a position as the Cover Model for the event and gigged the cover of PULP Magazine giving him exposure across the entire LGBT Community. In 2011, Fahylando appeared on San Diego 6 News for a runway show giving him exposure throughout California. These two events, along with many in between each other transformed Fahylando from an aspiring freelance model to a full-time working model. 

Fahylando currently is represented by a private agency and finds enjoyment being photographed in the nude.

Live it! Love it! Style it! XOXO with love Dafy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fay! has been an understanding friend and his partner Kyle at Ny .Will always count on them.
